Saturday, November 19, 2011

random thoughts

 Our inner city communities are beautiful places with each own unique culuture and ways. They are also places where poverty, safety concerns, outright violence and instability is rampant. There is a seperation between the beauty and dispare. How do we get each person to feel safe and see the beauty in life? How do we get everyone to value themselves and one another, no matter who they are, where they come from or where they want to go? How do we bridge the gap? The US is one of the richest countries, yet our equity divide is so vast. Many reasons why, but in terms of community building, I would like to see school buildings more like community centers. I think this model would help make the community more involved, bring neighbors together and put the neighbor back in the hood.
Use the buildings to offer classes that are not offered during the day for kids as well as adults and families. Have resource centers that are like libraries, offer access to a variety of books and computer technology classes so our communities can keep up with the rest of the world as well as meet the needs of each community, which means the community voices need to be part of the design and application.  Also early childhood classes, senior classes and a program that brings seniors together with the youth. There is a divide between the generations. When this happens, respect decreases, understanding becomes less and knowledge of life is not handed down. Our history becomes unknown and is reduced to pieces instead of the whole beautiful enriching picture. Without our history, we have no foundation. This younger generations roots are disappearing. Also investment in our community business. Have wonderful places to shop and meet the needs of each community instead of preying on each other.
I would like to see schools have each teacher be excellent at their craft. Everyone is not meant to be a teacher. Being one is a unique talent and gift blestowed unto you. Principals are in leadership positions. Teachers are too as well as upper management. Being in a leadership position is not about the title, lable or self. A true leader uses the talents they are blessed with to uplift something greatet than self while continuing to build and grown their own blessings. So many misuse their roles.
Classroom size, Teacher voice and not enough time to teach each child, get support from one another and to not have the flexibility to teach creativily are all issues that are being voiced.  If we address and change these big issues will it really make the changes that are needed to truly reduce the academic divide? Will it really change the way our low income neighborhood schools succeed? Will it change the way children feel safe and see themselves and each other?  Will it change the college entry rate or the career readiness? Will it change the school to prison pipeline that relies on data from schools reading rate of 3rd grade readers? How does these issues play a role in schools that have these issues but are successful? What should be the focus to really make change happen so our kids are ready to compete in the world?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

thoughts for ya

If your a true parent and your dedicated to your child, you shouldn't be that available to pursue a real relationship or be available to be pursued. Fun is fun. BS is BS but real relationships take real time to unfold beautifully. Also make sure your truly done with the past or you will bring it with you to your future and that causes you bs. Don't be afraid to truly let go. One must let go in order to truly grow. You are doing yourself, your child and others a disservice if you walk the line. In the end, even if you feel like your being respectful, really your just causing hopefulness that turns to unnecessary grief.
If your always available, you must be desperate or not truly into being the parent that you say you are. You will get what you put out. Fast, fun, no depth, over and done, next!  If one is impatient, they are not one who truly understands what a true parent is or what that is about. Do you really want them in the end? Patience, understanding, friendship, being real and spending time thats what its about. Quanity or quality? thats the question. I say Choose Quality. It last longer!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Last night  my son and I were wrestling and play fighting. I love tumbling with him. He got some hard kicks and punches too, so workin it out on punching bag is working, lol. Playing and laughing is one my greatest enjoyments and brings such happiness to my life. Playing with our kids, no matter if its games, wrestling, or outside but playing together is so important and brings much pleasure. The art of play. Using imagination, creativity and just each other is enough for hours of fun. Play often!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Flash Card Practice

Flash cards with kids is so important to reinforce skills being learned and help them to retain. Math adding and subtracting. Words, especially words that do not make "sense" phonically in our English language help to keep them on track. Asking your child how they are figuring out the math problems by asking them to talk it through out loud helps us parents be able to help them when we know verbally how they are thinking things through. This also helps build their confidence in themselves and reinforces all of what they know. Make sure there are plenty of positive words and encouragement as this helps build their abilities and self esteem. Tell them how hard they are working and how proud you are of them. Kids need words or encouragement, skills to help themselves, self talk that is positive that they can pull from and lots of practice to be the best they can be!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

how old do you let a child be on their own? go to the park, walk to school? take care of self and others?
I as a single  mother, love the stories of my grand father and the selflessness, hard work ethic. i truly love the conversations and realities! wow, maybe I  need to let go!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tired of the Blame Game

Why is their an achievement gap and where does it begin? It begins in the home. Parents need to stop putting self first, stop blaming others and expecting others to do their job. It doesn't matter how many kids you have. You choose to have them. It doesn't matter how many hours you work, many parents work long hard hours and raise wonderful children. Why? Because they parent their children. They take parenting as the most important job. They put everything they have into their children. Values, Beliefs, Social Skills, Respect, Responsibility, Accountability and high Expectations. Support, Encouragement and giving each child individual attention, one to one relationships, Experiences and Love is foundations for life. Teaching a child life skills from the start is how we close achievement gap. There wouldn't be one in beginning if all these things were done before they entered school. Learning abilities are only part of a child's success but how strong a foundation one has determines how far a child can go. Parenting does not stop when a child enters school. It never stops. We are always teaching our children. We must walk with them every step of their path until adulthood, than let go gradually and trust our job has been done well but we never stop teaching or being there. They need us until we are no longer here. I am tired of the blame game! How do we make excellent school for all? How does each child get a excellent education. Parents! Parents are the Educators. Parents are responsible for who they are, who they bring into the world and how they raise them up. The better equip students are who show up to school each day, the better the school environment is. The better foundation teachers have who really want to teach and are dedicated to teaching because they were raised with the passion and work ethic, the better the schools are. Everything starts with and ends with Parental Responsibility.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

salt that tenderizes

We must  live a flavorful life. Be the salt that tenderizes the toughest of souls and adds bold, spicy, full flavor to all. We must get in where we fit in and not be the vocal complainer who does nothing but add noise to the room. We must be bold, stand tall, rise up, lead and let our light shine through. As we do and live this way, we  help our children do the same. We must let our spirit guide us so we are able to help others find their light and understand who they are, be proud of themselves and love themselves and each other.  The right amount of salt and light is the balance of a beautiful full happy life.